由ap担保veos兑换eos开始,进而建立vbtc,veth,vusdt 虚拟交易体系!!

 空投币   2020-01-30  来源:互联网  0 条评论
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如果vEOS和EOS可以形成稳定的兑换关系,然后就可以立刻建立 veos,vbtc,veth,vusdt 交易市场!



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CODEX is a community-owned decentralized exchange that will be launched soon on the YAS blockchain. It will be a simplified set of automated market makers where anyone can trade one token to another and where anyone can become an oracle or a getaway to teleport tokens cross-chain. CODEX will become another DeFi hub on EOSIO.


 DeFi,即 Decentralized Finance,常被称作:分布式金融或者去中心化金融。  像我们经常说的闪电网络、去中心化交易所、网络借贷平台、保险平台、去中心化钱包等都是属于DeFi范畴。传统金融领域的利润有多丰厚,大家都知道。与传统金融相比,去中心化金融通过区块链技术实现了去中介化,减少了中间人角色,从而降低了中间环节的所带来的巨额成本。而这整个过程,将没有任何的人为参与,一切都完全通过代码运行。

On January 19th was launched YAS network which is another iteration of the EOSIO software with features quite similar to the EOS chain. On this network will rise CODEX with its first 3 tokens and 6 trading pairs. All major cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. will have their corresponding VBTC, VETH, VEOS, etc. as a market pegged asset all tradeable among each other. It will be also possible to add other stablecoins representing any chain or currency (VUSD) or anything priced outside like VGAS (gasoline prices) or VGOLD (grams of gold). Each additional market pegged asset will put 6 trading pairs involving 3 tokens.



The main tokens for YAS will be VEOS, ANTIEOS, and OREOS. These 3 tokens will create an EOS pegged asset that will reflect the EOS price on YAS.



VEOS (Virtual EOS) will be like the EOS token ported to the YAS chain. It will have the features of a stablecoin and it will be pegged to EOS. VEOS can be purchased with YAS through OREOS or with OREOS.


ANTIEOS is a token that will be purchased in the same way and it will be the token used to short VEOS. If you think VEOS is priced high, you buy ANTIEOS or go short VEOS and if you think that VEOS is too low then you sell ANTIEOS or go long VEOS. In this scenario, VEOS and ANTIEOS become the Schelling point of EOS.


the Schelling point of EOS  谢林点  (英语:Schelling point,又译为薛林点,或称为聚焦点),是博弈论中人们在没有沟通的情况下的选择倾向,做出这一选择可能因为它看起来自然、特别、或者与选择者有关。这一概念是由美国诺贝尔奖获得者托马斯·谢林(en:Thomas Schelling)于1960年在《冲突的策略》一书中提出的。在该书中(57页),谢林描述"每个人期望的聚焦点是他人期望他本人期望被期望做出的选择。"这种概念后来以谢林的名字命名。


假设明天你要在纽约跟一个陌生人见面,你会选择什么时间和什么地点?这是一个协调博弈(en:Coordination game)问题,其中任何时间任何地点都平等。谢林询问了一些学生,发现绝大多数的回答是"中午在纽约中央车站"。没有什么因素使"纽约中央车站"成为更好的地点(任何一个酒吧,或者图书馆阅读室都可以用于约定见面),但纽约的文化传统提高了中央车站的保险系数,从而使其成为一个自然的"谢林点"。

OREOS (Oracle EOS) will be oracle tokens. They are purchasable with YAS and they can be used to short or long VBTC, VETH, VEOS, etc. Oracle EOS will be a link between YAS and VEOS or ANTIEOS. OREOS are needed to mint new VEOS or ANTIEOS. If VEOS is minted, its price increases and the price of ANTIEOS decreases and vice versa. These two tokens can be also destroyed and the effect will be the opposite of minting them. To mint, OREOS tokens are spent while the user will get OREOS to destroy them.


Oracle 有时候被机器翻译成甲骨文,有时候会翻身先知,预言者,传达神预言的人, 我前面的文章详细解释过这个词,翻译为甲骨文肯定是不对的,甚至连翻译成语言都不太准确,因为西方文化中的先知和我们中国文化中的对未来预测的算命先生是不一样的,先知并不是预测未来,而是忠实的传递消息,

All YAS holders will be able to become oracles by trading YAS with oracle tokens and using the oracle tokens to take long or short positions on YAS vs EOS. OREOS are created continuously and in perpetuity. A fixed amount of OREOS is created each second and 95% are instantly put on the market with YAS. 5% goes to a loyalty pool. Every time someone mints VEOS or ANTIEOS he gets a reward from the loyalty pool, however, it’s still unclear how the rewards in the pool will be distributed since it needs to be tested first. The oracles will look at YAS/VEOS rice and check if it matches the outside world. If it's not the same, they’ll react as quickly as possible to make the correction.



这里的头寸(position)是一个金融术语,指的是个人或实体持有或拥有的特定商品、证券、货币等的数量。汉语将其翻译为“头寸”,源于旧社会作为货币的“袁大头”每十个摞起来为一寸 [1] 。


There is a market pair with YAS and OREOS. New OREOS will get minted and put on that market every second. This causes the price of OREOS dropping until someone finds it cheap enough and buys. It's like a continuous Dutch auction. The YAS that people send to get OREOS will stay on that market. If someone sells OREOS back, the YAS gets sent back. If we think about the YAS/OREOS pair, that pair is a market maker contract. If YAS is sent to it, OREOS will be given in change and vice versa. Trading with this pair contributes to the price change. There will be an oracle token for each market pegged asset. Each oracle token will need YAS and this will create great utility for YAS. All VEOS and all ANTIEOS that exist will be backed up by an amount of OREOS in a contract. You can add OREOS into the contract to mint either VEOS or ANTIEOS. You can also get OREOS from the contract by burning either VEOS or ANTIEOS.






OREOS inside the contract = all VEOS + all ANTIEOS that exists.


If someone will try to manipulate VEOS by pumping its price, anyone will have the possibility to take the opposite side by buying ANTIEOS. If you think one token is overpriced and will go down, you buy the opposing token. It's like a battle of the bear and the bull where you get loyalty rewards if you act as an oracle. The oracle network, will remove arbitrage possibility on-chain and give traders the best possible deals.

如果有人试图通过提高VEOS的价格来操纵VEOS,那么任何人都有可能通过购买ANTIEOS来采取相反的立场。如果你认为一个令牌定价过高,而且会下跌,你就买相反的令牌。这就像一场熊和公牛的战斗,如果你扮演一个神谕,你就会得到忠诚的回报。甲骨文网络(oraclenet work)将消除链上套利的可能性,并为交易员提供尽可能好的交易。


“If the price of VEOS is low compared to EOS, as an oracle you buy it and profit. Since we depend on the bandwagon effect and self-fulfilling prophecies. If VEOS is down everyone will think that everyone will buy it, so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. With oracles we have now a way to bring EOS price inside the chain without the need of external price feed” said Aiden Pearce, the creator of YAS.


Since blockchains are closed systems which mean that they don’t receive any information about the external world, this information needs to be brought from outside with the help of oracles. Using the 3 token design for each asset existing outside the chain, we now have the means to bring it on-chain in a decentralized manner without relying on the external price feed.


Anyone who brings the information from outside to inside is an oracle earning on the position taken and the loyalty rewards from the pool.


所谓的 神谕  ,所谓的先知,并不是去做预测,而是忠实的把价格信息从外部带到内部,做这些事的人可以获得先知回报,也就是最初所铸造的or的5%,

There 6 trading pairs on YAS will be:

OREOS/YAS market




There will be also 2 indirect markets based on cascading contracts




When CODEX will be launched on EOS it will use the same technology on the EOS chain to make EIDOS tradeable with VYAS, ANTIYAS, and ORYAS. Teleporting across chains will involve another stablecoin.


Each base token like EOS, BTC, ETH, etc. will have 3 tokens. If there are VEOS and VBTC, oracles on both will also bring in EOS/BTC price outside on-chain. If someone wants to buy VBTC, he can use YAS, EOS or any other token since they are all linked, sometimes directly, sometimes through cascaded trades. It will be possible to buy Virtual BTC (VBTC) without holding the underlying BTC asset just like it’s possible to buy DAI without holding fiat USD. Bitcoin backing is not necessary since the pegged asset is backed by other tokens. “Think about it like BitMEX perpetual contracts but you can take out the tokens and send them, without the leverage. It's like a tokenized long and short positions but without leverage” said Aiden Pearce. For more virtual base tokens like EOS, BTC, ETH, GOLD, USD, etc. to exist, they will need to be backed by more OREOS. This, in turn, will be backed by YAS. This means that there will be always less YAS in circulation making it very scarce. There will never be more than 100 M YAS in circulation.

每个基础令牌,如EOS,BTC,ETH等。会有3个令牌。如果有VEOS和VBTC,两者的甲骨文也将带来EOS/BTC的价格在链上。如果有人想购买VBTC,他可以使用YAS,EOS或任何其他令牌,因为它们都是链接的,有时是直接的,有时是通过级联交易。这将是可能的购买虚拟BTC(VBT C),而不持有基础BTC资产,就像它有可能购买DAI而不持有法定美元。比特币支持是不必要的,因为盯住的资产是由其他令牌支持的。“想想看,这就像BitMEX的永久合约,但你可以拿出代币并发送,而不需要杠杆。这就像一个象征性的多空头寸,但没有杠杆。对于更多的虚拟基础令牌,如EOS,BTC,ETH,黄金,美元等。要存在,它们将需要更多的OREOS的支持。反过来,这将得到YAS的支持。这意味着流通中的YAS总是较少,使其非常稀缺。永远不会有超过100  M  的YAS在流通。




CODEX will also have getaways that will be used to teleport tokens. They will be the link between market pegged assets and real assets they are pegged at. Anyone can become a gateway by trading EOS and VEOS. Pearce said that his team will become a getaway to show everyone how it should work. They will have some EOS and VEOS and anyone will be able to convert these two tokens for a fixed fee. Gateways will compete for the gateway fees. But since VEOS is algorithmic in issuance, nobody is compelled to support it. It will be voluntary and each one will have a business case to run gateways. Pearce’s gateway will buy all VEOS with EOS and they will also buy EOS with VEOS for a fixed transaction fee. Becoming a gateway is permissionless and open to anyone just like anyone can trade Dai with USDT.



Tokens teleporting mechanism will depend on one gateway to another but basically, a user will need to send tokens to an address owned by a gateway and put in a memo the address where to receive on the other chain. Once irreversible, the gateway will issue the other token on another chain. The finality on EOSIO chains is currently 3 minutes that’s why the teleport becomes centralized for the duration of this finality. The only EOSIO chain that managed to achieve 3 seconds las irreversible block (LIB) is BOSCore.


EIDOS will be the backbone of the whole CODEX on the EOS chain and it will use liquidity shares. Liquidity shares will be for markets that involve tokens that are not stablecoins.



In CODEX, you either trade and pay fees for your favorite pair, or you can be a liquidity provider and take the fees, or you can be both to support your favorite trading pair. Pearce said that codex and other future blockchain projects that they will launch to connect with the YAS chain will drive value to the EIDOS token. They will most likely launch a parachain based on Polkadot's substrate and/or eth2 type chain. He also said that EIDOS will be the last mining type of distribution that he will use.

在CODEX中,你要么为你最喜欢的一对交易并支付费用,要么你可以成为一个流动性提供者并承担费用,或者你可以两者都支持你最喜欢的交易对。皮尔斯说,他们将启动的codex和其他未来的区块链项目与YA S链连接,将驱动价值到EIDOS令牌。他们很可能会推出一个基于波尔卡点的基板和/或eth2型链的链。他还说,EIDOS将是他将使用的最后一种采矿类型的分销。




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