bitfinex:Bitfinex to Support Bitcoin SV (BSV) Hard Fork

 空投币   2020-02-03  来源:互联网  0 条评论
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Bitfinex will support the Bitcoin SV (BSV) hard fork. The BSV hard fork, called "Genesis", will take place when the block height reaches #620,538 (on approximately February 4, 2020), according to an announcement on the BSV website.

Please deposit your BSV to Bitfinex in advance to ensure the safety of your digital assets. Bitfinex will handle all technical matters relating to the hard fork on your behalf.

Deposits and withdrawals will be suspended on February 3 at 11:00 pm (UTC). Services will be resumed when the BSV mainnet is stable. Please refer to our further announcements on the resumption time. During this period, the BSV held in your Bitfinex account will not be affected.

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