DigiFinex:Announcement on the End of Yearn Finance Dot(YFDOT) listing Activity and Reward Distribution

 空投币   2020-10-28  来源:互联网  0 条评论
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Dear users,

“Yearn Finance Dot(YFDOT) listing Activity” hosted by DigiFinex during 16 Oct 2020 13:00 - 23 Oct 2020 13:00 (GMT 8) has ended. The rewards have been deposited to users’ account. Please log in DigiFinex account to check out.

Details: https://digifinex.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900003214106

Thank you for your support!

DigiFinex Team

28th Oct 2020

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Official Kakaotalk Group: https://open.kakao.com/o/gEGFa7uc

DigiFinex (digifinex.com)DIGIFINEX LIMITED. reserves all rights of this event, including but not limited to adjustment, explanation and termination at any time.

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