雷盾交易所:BTR Wallet Upgrade

 空投币   2020-09-24  来源:互联网  0 条评论
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Dear LOEx users:
Due to the update and upgrade of the BTR wallet, LOEx Global has now suspended the BTR recharge channel. After the upgrade is completed, the opening time will be notified by announcement.

Note: Please do not recharge when the recharge is closed during the period, otherwise the assets may be lost. The platform does not support the recovery of the losses caused by this.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Wish you a happy transaction!
LOEx Global: www.loex.io

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Official Weibo :https://weibo.com/6870211274/profile?rightmod=1&wvr=6&mod=personnumber

LOEx Global
September 24, 2020

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