币夫下载:BitForex Launches IQ Cash (IQ) at 17:00 on April. 3rd, 2020 (GMT+8)

 空投币   2020-04-02  来源:互联网  0 条评论
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Dear BitForex users,

We are delighted to announce the listing of Launches IQ Cash (IQ) on BitForex. The details are listed below - Happy trading! 

Listing Time:

  • IQ deposit will open on 2020/04/03 at 17:00 (GMT+8)
  • IQ/BTC, IQ/USDT trading will open on 2020/04/03 at 17:00 (GMT+8)
  • IQ withdrawal will open on 2020/04/03 at 17:00 (GMT+8)

Coin Info

  • Project Name: IQ Cash
  • Coin Symbol: IQ
  • Total Supply: 56, 900, 000 IQ
  • Circulating Supply: 17, 507, 494.84 IQ
  • Official Service site: https://iq.cash
  • Blockchain Explorer: https://explorer.iq.cash
  • Whitepaper: https://iq.cash/iqcash_whitepaper.pdf

The Masternodes Cryptocurrency for Traders, Investors & Miners Blockchain platform the main task of which is to provide instant anonymous online payments and investing. IQ.cash splits its block reward 57% to Masternodes (ROI 420%), 43% to Miners and 6% is reserved for Best Traders project (DAO)

Risk Warning: Cryptocurrency trading involves significant risk and may cost your invested capital lost. Please make sure that you fully understand the risk involved and take it into consideration your level of experience, investment objectives and seek independent financial advice if necessary.

BitForex Team

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