雷盾靠谱吗:About Replacing SPU with ERC20 Contract

 空投币   2020-02-25  来源:互联网  0 条评论
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Dear LOEx users:

The SPU public chain will be replaced with ERC20 tokens. LOEx Global has closed the SPU recharge and withdrawal services and SPU / LCNY trading market. Users holding public chain SPU will be automatically mapped into ERC20 tokens with a mapping ratio of 1: 1. The opening time will be announced by notice.

ERC20 contract address: 0xa0a875e51ee5df67ca2267ee2494c217dd4b26ba

Note: Users who hold public chain SPU should not recharge to LOEx platform. If there are abnormal recharge assets, there will be a risk of loss, and the user will bear the loss of assets caused.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Wish you a happy transaction!
LOEx Global Exchange: www.loex.io 

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LOEx Global
January 25, 2020

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